High-performing teams are emotionally intelligent teams.

Research shows that high-performing teams have a few things in common: team members who cooperate, communicate, trust each other, and have a strong sense of group identity. In other words, they are teams with a high level of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Teams are made up of individuals and, like any social group, there will be differences in personalities. The key to high performance is for these personalities to work together cohesively to deliver results in an environment built on trust, where team members engage in productive conflict, commit to decisions and hold each other to account.

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology.
It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare ?


The emotional intelligence (EQ) of a team can be improved with development programs, feedback and coaching.

AttitudeWorks can deliver customised emotional competence training programs and support initiatives in your company, that will significantly increase team members’ resilience, optimism, confidence, creativity, conflict resolution and motivation.

We’ve helped many businesses build the EQ of their teams.

We use the latest research into organisational psychology and neuroscience to develop tailored training programs to improve the EQ of teams. Based on self-assessment, before and after our training, participants rated their emotional intelligence to have improved by between 33 and 55 percent.

Based on what your team is trying to achieve, we will use a research-based approach to achieve your objectives.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Teams™ Program

Based on the bestselling book by Patrick Lencioni and powered by Everything DiSC® to bring together everyone’s behavioural traits, the Five Behaviors program guides teams through the hard work, and huge payoff, of forming a cohesive, productive team.

The program helps teams understand how, as a team, they score on the key components of The Five Behaviors model: trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and results. Each individual on the team will also understand their own DiSC® style:

D: Dominance, i: Influence, S: Steadiness, and C: Conscientiousness, and how their style contributes to the team’s overall success. 

As Lencioni states "The single most untapped competitive advantage is teamwork."

We can help you to build high-performing teams.
Contact us today.