What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence - or EQ - means understanding emotions and expressing them effectively and appropriately. The SMART model of EQ highlights the key factors: 

  • Self awareness.
  • Managing emotions and impulses.
  • Attitude of optimism.
  • Reading the emotions of others.
  • Teaming up with others.

Emotional intelligence in the workplace.

The emotionally intelligent worker is more motivated, the emotionally intelligent manager is a better leader, and the emotionally intelligent seller makes more sales. EQ has been linked to better performance, with studies showing people who are emotionally intelligent are high achievers. 

By focusing on emotional intelligence in your workplace, you will see improvements in communication, interpersonal interactions and initiative. And you'll achieve long-term results. Many of Australia’s most successful organisations are embracing the concept of emotional intelligence and providing training to improve the EQ of their employees, particularly with leaders at all levels of organisations.

How does EQ impact profitability? 

At any point in time in any organisation, the person with the greatest impact on an employee's commitment, productivity and retention is his or her immediate manager.

Findings from research of over 80,000 managers in 400 companies found: “The front-line manager is the key to attracting and retaining talented employees. No matter how generous its pay or renowned its training, the company that lacks great, front-line managers will bleed talent.” (Buckingham & Coffman 1999).

Emotionally intelligent leaders will work constructively with their teams to find creative solutions to every day problems. They will see higher retention, productivity and better results because their staff feel supported, valued and happy.

Can EQ be taught?

It's difficult to change ourselves, but the bigger challenge is accepting that we need to change. Teaching EQ starts with self-awareness. We can't promise miracles, but EQ training can put participants on the path to self-awareness and change.

First, we help you reflect on behaviour by gauging the feedback of others. You can develop self-awareness through self-assessment tools, exercises and coaching. And then with commitment you can consciously behave and think differently.

Our programs are designed to not only show people what to change, but more importantly how to change on both an emotional and cognitive level. Our programs have delivered long-term improvements to participants’ day-to-day abilities and motivation for success.